Gopal Subramanium discusses the power of interdisciplinary research

As part of his close involvement with the Subramanium Study Centre, Subramanium has gained a unique perspective on the importance of interdisciplinary research. The centre seeks to understand mental health illnesses and support the discovery of new treatments through engaging global experts from a wide range of fields psychiatry and psychology to law and politics.

Subramanium asserts that an interdisciplinary approach helps reveal new vistas of inquiry and maximises the potential impact of research, regardless of the topic at hand. He goes on to say that history is a particularly key facet of this, helping us understand the past, present, and predict the future.

Similarly, Subramanium touches on the idea of history as a psychological phenomenon, particularly in relation to war, discussing the need to understand the trauma that has been caused by the Ukraine war and the pain that it inflicts on those involved.

In the video below, Subramanium expands on these thoughts.

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